This is a brief excerpt of the tender. Please log in to view the full tender.

The NMRN are seeking the provision of IT Support Services with anticipated engagement commencing from Saturday 1st April 2023. The National Museum is reviewing its supply arrangements to ensure that it is aware of what the market currently has to offer and is in a position to select a supplier ...

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  • Information systems and servers
  • Information systems
  • Servers
  • Network servers
  • Computer servers
  • File servers
  • Printer servers
  • Web servers
  • IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • United Kingdom
  • North East England
  • North West England
  • Yorkshire and the Humber
  • East Midlands
  • West Midlands
  • East of England
  • London
  • South East England
  • South West England
  • Wales
  • Scotland
  • Northern Ireland

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