This is a brief excerpt of the tender. Please log in to view the full tender.

The tender opportunity is available on The Chest ( Any interested parties should obtain the tender documentation from the opportunity on The Chest. Requests for clarification concerning the tender procedure must go via the e-tendering portal as per the ITT instructions & guidance document. Lancashire Renewables Ltd (the Authority) (formally Global Renewables Lancashire Operations Ltd) operates and manages two waste treatment facilities in Lancashire. The Authority's key objectives are to ...

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  • Vehicle bodies, trailers or semi-trailers
  • Fleet management, repair and maintenance services
  • Financial leasing services
  • United Kingdom
  • North East England
  • North West England
  • Yorkshire and the Humber
  • East Midlands
  • West Midlands
  • East of England
  • London
  • South East England
  • South West England
  • Wales
  • Scotland

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