This is a brief excerpt of the tender. Please log in to view the full tender.

Herefordshire Council was awarded £7.54m UK Shared Prosperity Funding. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF or the Fund) is a central pillar of the UK government's ambitious Levelling Up agenda and a significant component of its support for places across the UK. It seizes the opportunities of leaving the ...

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  • Business and management consultancy services
  • General management consultancy services
  • Financial management consultancy services
  • Marketing management consultancy services
  • Human resources management consultancy services
  • Production management consultancy services
  • United Kingdom
  • North East England
  • North West England
  • Yorkshire and the Humber
  • East Midlands
  • West Midlands
  • East of England
  • London
  • South East England
  • South West England
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