This is a brief excerpt of the tender. Please log in to view the full tender.

The Police & Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire (The Authority) has a requirement for the provision of M&E and Building Fabric planned and reactive maintenance across the Warwickshire Police (The Force) estate. The contract will be for an initial term of 3 years with options to extend. Due to reactive element ...

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  • Construction work
  • Building construction work
  • Repair and maintenance of plant
  • Wastewater-plant repair and maintenance work
  • Purification-plant repair and maintenance work
  • Heating-plant repair and maintenance work
  • Roof repair and maintenance work
  • Building installation work
  • Repair and maintenance services
  • Repair and maintenance services of dampers
  • Repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus
  • Repair and maintenance services of firefighting equipment
  • Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery
  • Repair and maintenance services of valves
  • Repair and maintenance services of taps
  • Repair and maintenance services of machinery
  • Repair and maintenance services for non-electrical machinery
  • Repair and maintenance services of boilers
  • Repair and maintenance services of compressors
  • Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment
  • Repair and maintenance services of electric motors
  • Repair and maintenance services of transformers
  • Repair and maintenance services of generators
  • Repair and maintenance services of electrical distribution equipment
  • Repair and maintenance services of security equipment
  • Repair and maintenance services of building installations
  • Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
  • Repair and maintenance services of electrical building installations
  • Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations
  • Repair and maintenance services of central heating
  • Lift-maintenance services
  • Repair and maintenance services of catering equipment
  • Technical inspection and testing services
  • United Kingdom
  • West Midlands

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